Activities & Services

World English Institute is a great resource free of charge to students that can be used to help change the lives of people worldwide. It should be noted that a high percentage of our students come from economically depressed regions of the world. These students would not otherwise be able to financially afford this level of private English language instruction. English has quickly become the international language of the world. A good working knowledge of English greatly increases many opportunities for our students to reach their fullest potential in all of their life's desires, dreams and endeavors. World English Institute advertises these free English courses worldwide daily on Google Ads. Thousands are registering each month and beginning their life changing journey. It's truly a labor of love for all of our volunteer teachers. World English Institute is a U.S. 501c3 non-profit organization.

Year Registrations Students Countries Grammar Lessons Reading Lessons Total Lessons Completed Certificates Awarded Volunteer Teachers
2019 68,926 28,443 198 172,206 183,326 355,532 5,069 718
2018 56,536 23,611 192 146,613 152,631 299,244 3,952 751
2017 51,368 20,461 195 131,521 127,780 259,301 2,866 729
2016 37,513 15,029 189 85,893 81,586 167,479 1,691 616
2015 15,549 8,354 184 53,063 54,701 107,764 1,246 398